
Realtime Data

Connect in realtime to the Structural Analysis software for an always up-to-date model



The optimized rendering engine delivers smooth navigation and animations even for large models without sacrificing quality



Collaborate in realtime over the internet with other users to review analysis models and results (coming soon)

Experience Natural Frequencies

The optimized rendering engine allows to smoothly visualize vibrations with frequencies up to 20Hz.
Combine this with the "metronome" haptic feedback, and you can see and feel the vibrations and stiffness of the structure while in Virtual Reality!
Inserting and manipulating 3d model in microsoft Word

Export 3D Models to Office

Export structural models with contours and deformations to a standard and easily shared 3D model format
3D models in the GLB format can be inserted into Word and Excel documents, or easily embed in web pages.

Record and Share GIF

Easily record animations to GIF files for quick sharing
Record a perfect loop of your cyclic animation or your first person view while manipulating the structural model

Sign-up Now for beta access!

EulerVR is currently accessible as a public beta. If you would like to start using it, please complete the form below to register.
